Using the dashboard

The dashboard is a customizable, visual view into your asset inventory. The dashboard has a variety of visualization widgets that show operational information, trends, insights, goals, sources, and most and least seen graphs.

You can filter this information based on sites and time buckets based on your needs by using the dropdown buttons at the top of the dashboard and selecting the timeframe and/or site you wish to filter by.

You can also customize the arrangement and size of each widget on the dashboard to suit your particular needs, and access the widget library to add or remove widgets as desired.

Customizing the dashboard

Each of the widgets on the dashboard can be resized according to your needs by clicking and dragging the bottom right corner of the widget.

Widgets can also be rearranged within the dashboard by clicking and dragging on the widget heading area as indicated by the “cross-hair” mouse cursor icon.

Your customization settings will be saved and applied any time you visit the dashboard so that you can quickly get to the information you’d like to see.

If you wish to revert your dashboard to its default state, click the menu button at the top of the dashboard and select the “Reset dashboard” option. This will reset the visibility, arrangement, and size of all widgets to reflect the original view of the dashboard prior to customizing it.

Widget library

The dashboard widget library is used to add and remove widgets on the dashboard, and can be accessed by clicking the “Widgets” button at the top right of the dashboard.

When you open the widget library, a list of all the available widgets is presented for you to select from.

Widgets included on the dashboard will be marked with a checkmark icon. When clicked, the widget will be deselected and removed from the dashboard when you click the “Save” button.

Conversely, widgets that are not currently visible on the dashboard can be added by clicking on the widget to select it, and then saving the changes.

Widget types

Operational information

  • Live assets: number of assets currently alive based on the latest scans
  • Active scans: number of scans currently in progress
  • Explorers online: number of Explorers reporting as healthy
  • Accounts: number of users with access to your console
  • Asset trends: timeline view of asset counts broken out by live, recent, and a couple other states
  • Service trends: timeline view of network services seen in your environment


  • Latest insights: automated queries that were ran after your latest scan with result counts

Most and least seen graphs

A variety of asset views by different asset properties. All of these graphs can be toggled between most and least seen based on the counts.

  • Asset types
  • Operating systems
  • Hardware
  • RRT latency
  • MAC vendors
  • Newest MAC age
  • TCP ports
  • UDP ports
  • Products
  • Protocols
  • Address count
  • Extra address count
  • Risk
  • Criticality
  • Tags


  • Goals overview: summary view of all goals that are pinned to display on the dashboard

Asset count and trend tables

A view into the latest count and historical timeline for your assets related to ownership coverage, source types, and custom integrations.

  • Asset ownership: view of all ownership types including assets missing owners
  • Asset sources: view of all sources of asset data from supported integrations
  • Custom integrations: view of all custom sources of asset data from API integrations


A customizable list of frequently visited pages, favorite reports, or external links. After adding the widget to your dashboard, you can manage the list by using the menu button at the top of the widget and selecting the appropriate menu item.

Bookmarks can be edited or deleted by selecting the “Edit bookmarks” menu item, selecting the bookmark to be edited from the list shown in the dialog, updating the name or URL below, and saving the change. Similarly, a bookmark can be removed by clicking the trash can icon within the list if desired.

Additional bookmarks can be added by selecting the “Add bookmark” menu item, entering a name and URL, and then saving the change. Bookmarks to external sites will open in a new window, while internal console URLs will open in the current window.

When viewing individual reports or browsing the list of reports, you can easily add any report to your bookmarks by clicking the bookmark ribbon icon. After a report is bookmarked, you can remove it by clicking the ribbon icon again, which will open the editing dialog and allow you to remove the bookmark.

Custom widgets

Several widget types can be created and customized using the “Create widget” button in the widget library. These widgets fall into 4 types:

  • Single match count - Displays the most recent match count for a given query.
  • Single match trend - Displays a trend chart detailing the history of a given query.
  • Multi-query match count - Displays the most recent match count for 2 or more given queries, displayed similar to the Organization overview widget.
  • Multi-query trend line - Displays a trend chart detailing the history of 2 or more given queries.

Custom widgets can be customized in several ways. For single-query widgets, you can choose a name, query, and a color to style the results with. In the case of a multi-query widget, you can choose a name for the widget itself, and you can choose a name and color for each individual query as well.

Any custom widgets that display as a trend chart can be exported to JPG, PNG, or SVG formats via the menu button in the top right of the widget on your dashboard.

After creation, custom widget templates can be managed in the widget library by selecting the appropriate icon at the bottom of each widget’s preview image. When updating a custom widget, you will be prompted to also update the widget on the dashboard if desired. Similarly, when deleting a custom widget, you will be prompted to also delete the widget from the dashboard if desired.

Drill down

Except for timeline-based charts, each widget’s distinct data points can be viewed in detail by clicking on the relevant table row links or buttons, or by clicking on individual segments of donut, bar or column charts.

Printing and exporting

All chart-based widgets on the dashboard support exporting to SVG, PNG, and JPEG file formats, and table-based widgets can be exported to CSV format, by using the menu button at the top of the widget and selecting the file format you wish to export.

The entire dashboard and all of its widgets can be printed by selecting the printer icon at the top of the dashboard. For best results, use a Chromium-based browser or Firefox with the ‘Print backgrounds’ option enabled to print the dashboard.

Display mode

The dashboard supports displaying in theater (or kiosk) mode, where navigation menus are hidden and only the dashboard content is shown. To enable theater mode, click the menu button at the top of the dashboard and select the “Enter theater mode” option.

When theater mode is active, the dashboard also supports fullscreen display by clicking the “Fullscreen” button at the top of the page. In order to exit fullscreen mode, press the Escape key or click the “Exit fullscreen” button to return to theater mode.

To exit theater mode, click the X icon to return to the normal browsing experience.
