Tracking goal progress

Community Platform

With runZero goals, users are able to create and monitor progress toward achieving security initiatives. All goal types are supported by the robust query language on the backend. All types of inventory queries are supported by the goal tracking feature.

There are four types of goals:

  • System query
  • Custom query
  • Asset ownership
  • Asset risk

Goal creation

New goals can be created by users whose default role is administrator or greater from the Goals page in the console. Users with viewer-level or greater access will be able to view the goals page and see the goals that apply to organizations they have access to.

To create a new goal, click the New goal button on the Goals page in the console.

Creating system query or custom query goals

  1. On the Name and permissions tab, complete the necessary fields:
    • Type:
      • System query: Select this type if you wish to use a runZero system query for your goal.
      • Custom query: Select this type if you wish to use a custom query for your goal.
    • Name: Provide a name for your goal.
    • Permissions: By default, goals are visible and applicable to all organizations in your account. To configure the goal on a per-organization basis, disable this toggle and enable individual organization toggles to determine which organizations the goal applies to.
  2. On the Optional information tab, complete any desired fields:
    • Description: Provide a description for the goal.
    • Notes: Add relevant notes about this goal.
    • Target date: Provide a target date for achieving this goal.
    • Pin to dashboard: Enable this toggle if you wish to include this goal in the “Goals overview” widget on the dashboard. If enabled, the goal will be visible in the dashboard widget for all organizations that the goal applies to.
  3. On the Target settings tab, configure the following:
    • Query: Select the query you want to use to track progress for this goal by checking. If needed, use the search field to find the query you wish to use.
    • Comparator: Select whether goal progress will be calculated as Greater than or equal or Less than or equal to the configured threshold value.
    • Threshold: Select whether goal progress will be calculated as a percent or fixed number, and set the threshold value.
      Note: When a goal applies to multiple organizations, progress is calculated per-organization and extrapolated across all applicable organizations.
  4. On the Review and save tab, review the configurations of the goal. Click Save when you’re ready, or make changes on previous tabs as needed.

Creating asset ownership goals

  1. On the Name and permissions tab, complete the necessary fields:
    • Type: Select Asset ownership to measure progress toward assigning owners to assets in your inventory.
    • Name: Provide a name for your goal.
    • Permissions: By default, goals are visible and applicable to all organizations in your account. To configure the goal on a per-organization basis, disable this toggle and enable individual organization toggles to determine which organizations the goal applies to.
  2. On the Optional information tab, complete any desired fields:
    • Description: Provide a description for the goal.
    • Notes: Add relevant notes about this goal.
    • Target date: Provide a target date for achieving this goal.
    • Pin to dashboard: Enable this toggle if you wish to include this goal in the “Goals overview” widget on the dashboard. If enabled, the goal will be visible in the dashboard widget for all organizations that the goal applies to.
  3. On the Target settings tab, configure the following:
    • Ownership type: Select the ownership type you wish to track for this goal. New ownership types can be created by users with a default role of administrator or superusers from the Ownership page.
    • Target coverage: Set the target coverage for the selected ownership type.
      Note: When a goal applies to multiple organizations, progress is calculated per-organization and extrapolated across all applicable organizations.
  4. On the Review and save tab, review the configurations of the goal. Click Save when you’re ready, or make changes on previous tabs as needed.

Creating asset risk goals

  1. On the Name and permissions tab, complete the necessary fields:
    • Type: Select Asset risk to measure progress toward reducing the number of assets with a minimum risk level in your inventory.
    • Name: Provide a name for your goal.
    • Permissions: By default, goals are visible and applicable to all organizations in your account. To configure the goal on a per-organization basis, disable this toggle and enable individual organization toggles to determine which organizations the goal applies to.
  2. On the Optional information tab, complete any desired fields:
    • Description: Provide a description for the goal.
    • Notes: Add relevant notes about this goal.
    • Target date: Provide a target date for achieving this goal.
    • Pin to dashboard: Enable this toggle if you wish to include this goal in the “Goals overview” widget on the dashboard. If enabled, the goal will be visible in the dashboard widget for all organizations that the goal applies to.
  3. On the Target settings tab, configure the following:
    • Minimum risk: Select the minimum level of risk you wish to track for this goal.
    • Minimum criticality: Set the minimum criticality of the assets tracked by this goal (optional).
    • Target percent: Set the percent threshold you aim to be under. As an example, you might define a goal to have less than 25% of your critical assets with a risk level of medium or higher by setting target percent to 25%, minimum criticality to critical, and minimum risk to medium.
      Note: When a goal applies to multiple organizations, progress is calculated per-organization and extrapolated across all applicable organizations.
  4. On the Review and save tab, review the configurations of the goal. Click Save when you’re ready, or make changes on previous tabs as needed.

Goal progress calculation

Once a goal has been created, the progress will be calculated once a day and when tasks complete. As a result, you may see a different number of metric calculations in the historical line chart depending on the number of tasks that are completed on a given day.

The overall status noted in the Goal information card on a goal details page reflects the progress toward goal completion for all of the organizations that you have access to. This may differ for a user with more or less per-organization access.

Goal events and notifications

The events system includes the following events related to goals:

  • goal-created: This event fires when a goal is created and saved.
  • goal-updated: This event fires when a goal is modified and saved.
  • goal-completed: This event fires when the progress of a goal crosses the completion threshold.
  • goal-lapsed: This event fires when the progress for a previously completed goal falls below the completion threshold.
  • goal-removed: This event fires when a goal is deleted.

These events can be used with channels and rules to receive notifications about a change in goal status. After a notification channel has been created, create a rule for the desired event and select the channel you wish to receive the notification through.
