Installing on a Raspberry Pi

The runZero Explorer enables discovery scanning. In most cases, you can deploy an Explorer on an existing system that has connectivity to the network you want to discover. However, there may be times when the traditional deployment model may not work for you. Some locations, like retail stores or customer sites, may not have staff or hardware available to install the Explorer, making remote deployment a bit tricky.

In these types of scenarios, you can install a runZero Explorer on a Raspberry Pi and send the device to the location for them to plug into their network.

What you’ll need

  • Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (4GB or 8GB), Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4, or Raspberry Pi 400
  • At least 1GB free of storage space on your Raspberry Pi’s MicroSD card after installing the operating system

Connecting to your Raspberry Pi via SSH

In this section, we’re going to show you how to SSH to your Raspberry Pi and install the Explorer from your terminal.

Step 1. Enable SSH on your Raspberry Pi

Before you can connect to your Raspberry Pi, make sure to enable SSH on the device.

You can add a file called ssh.txt at the root of the SD card and reboot the Raspberry Pi. The contents of the file can be empty. On reboot, the Pi looks for the SSH file and enables SSH if it finds the file.

Step 2. Update the password for your Raspberry Pi

If you enable SSH on your Raspberry Pi, you must update your credentials.

Log in as the pi user and use the passwd command to change the default password. Entering the passwd command will prompt you for your current password to authenticate before you can change it.

Step 3. Copy the Explorer instructions

  • Go to your console. Verify you are in the right organization. runZero keys your Explorer’s download link to the organization you are currently viewing to associate them together.

  • Go to the Explorer deployment page and select Linux Distributions, and then choose Linux ARM 32-bit V7. Note that Raspbian uses a 32-bit kernel by default, even on 64-bit Raspberry Pi hardware.

  • Click the instructions at the bottom of the Linux installation page to place the commands into your clipboard.

Step 4. Install the Explorer

Some components of the application still reference the name "Rumble" for backwards compatibility. The documentation will be updated as these are changed.

Paste the installation command into the terminal after connecting to the Raspberry Pi via SSH. The URL in the command links the installation to your active organization and will be different from the example below.

me@mac ~ % ssh pi@hostIP
pi@host's password:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo bash
root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# cd Downloads
root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# curl -o runzero-explorer.bin[uniqueToken]/[versionID]/runzero-explorer-linux-arm7.bin && chmod u+x runzero-explorer.bin && sudo ./runzero-explorer.bin

The Explorer automatically installs itself in /opt/runzero and sets up a systemd service with the name runzero-agent-. The service automatically starts on boot.

Next steps

Your Raspberry Pi is now set up to use as a runZero Explorer box and ready to be sent wherever you need.

You can always view and manage your registered Explorers from your console.
